Monday, March 28, 2011

Finally Finishing Feb in Milwaukee

Ok, so it was a bit longer than I thought that I would be able to get back to the blogging, but I still feel my input on two places I visited is timely and will give others a chance to have an idea of the places I visited before they go there.

First up, Distil, on popular Milwaukee Street was the location of the February #mkefoodies TweetUp. I had never even heard of this place prior to the TweetUp, but I'm always game for new places. It's a long skinny establishment very dim lit. We got there around 5:45 and grabbed a table near the back. The tables were all made out of solid wood and had big photos of distilery equipment on the walls to show you how things were distilled. This was the photo directly behind our table.

As we waited for the food to come out (Distil had prepared some small portions for us to sample), we got ourselves some drinks. I went with a Vodka and Tonic as rail drinks were $5 as part of the special. Adam was our server and he was a great guy to talk to about the Milwaukee Street scene. He was opening a specialty workout "boutique" across the street very soon, so we talked about that for a bit while waiting for the food.

 The items came out on the table and they were unique to say the least. One was made with duck and another was with chorizo. The chorizo looked to me like it was deep fried but when I broke open the outer shell, it was very liquidy. It tasted great, but the texture was interesting. The other entree was a piece of duck on a crostini and had homemade pickles on top. The pickles were great adn more of a slicer style. I'm not a big fan of duck but overall it was alright.

They also had popcorn made in duck fat for us to snack on. I didn't really taste a difference at all compared to popcorn made other ways.

After we had a those, I then asked to look at a menu which was a huge book. The first page was a few entree items like sliders and smaller meals. The remaining 6 pages were all whiskeys, including one that was over $300 for it on the rocks. You must really like Whiskey to try that! Overall, I would say it was a fun night, minus their C02 going out and having to wait for our second cocktail, but I won't hold it against the place. I would be interested to see the place later in the evening and what kind of crowd they get.

After we finished at Distil, my friends and I decided to head to Crisp for pizza. (The small portions didn't fill us up at all and we were starving). I had a Groupon that was close to expiration and was dying to have their pizza again so it worked out perfectly. The place wasn't busy at all, but again it was still before 9 pm and a Tuesday night.

Crisp has two bars, one on the main floor and one upstairs, and they have ever changing artwork on the walls. A few months ago a friend of ours, Peter Westermann, displayed is amazing artwork there. Against the backwall, is the kitchen with their wood burning stove that cooks the amazing slices of pizza.

We decided to get some PBR's and pizza, altho they do have other things on the menu. I decided on the special slice of the day and got a Chicken Alfredo type pizza. Shauna got a unique piece called The Brat and Tory got the Pepperoni and 4 cheese. When the pizza came out, they weren't just slices of pizza, these were the size of 2 very generous slices or a 1/4 of a pizza. but don't worry, we had no problem stuffing ourselves with it all. The crust of their pizza is my favorite part. Nice and crispy on the outside and doughy-soft once you bite into it. I can't wait to go back again soon!

Oh yeah, and 3 PBRs and 3 slices and here was our tab!

I did also go to Trocadero for brunch, but I'll save that for another post that hopefully, I can get to very soon. That's all for now - Happy Eating.

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