Monday, June 13, 2011

Freeman Friday Night Live: Week 1

Sorry I'm a week behind on releasing this - Week 2 to follow in the next day or so!

Although I will not voice an opinion on the need to close the streets or not, I will comment on the wonderful event that makes Waukesha a fun place on Friday nights in downtown Waukesha. Two weeks ago Friday kicked off the start of  Freeman Friday Night Live and if you don't know what I'm talking about, I'll explain. This is an event in which music stages are set up throughout downtown with local talent performing to crowds. The stores also tend to stay open later on these evenings and give those of us that work 8 - 5 during the week, the opportunity to get to these stores.

The weather on that Friday was absolutely perfect and so my friend Tiffany and I took advantage and headed out to FFNL. We started walking in mid downtown and saw babies dancing away outside of Gen 5 and people mulling around the stores too. During the walk it was great to hear all kinds of music and see so many people out on the streets in downtown. As you know I'm a big rooter for keeping it local and loved seeing so many people out.
We made it to Bosco's after running into Mr. Barta who was also taking in the scene before heading to his bar, Nice Ash, for the evening. We decided to park it at Bosco's on a few chairs and take in their beautiful patio and the Brewers Game. The patio at Bosco's was pretty full but we still were able to grab a table and watch the game. The addition of the new flat screens on the patio made it that much sweeter. The vodka tonics were perfectly refreshing as well. People even pulled out bags and ladder golf on the grassy area and started some heated competition. I wanted to join in, but I'm a little rusty in the ladder golf and bags department. I believe Bosco's has even set up leagues and maybe I should have joined. 

We stayed at Bosco's until almost the end of the game and then decided to wander back to the West End and check out Bodway's (my new obsession!). Some of the stages had shut down by this point, but people were still every where in downtown. It was great to see. When we got near Magellan's we saw that they had acutally put up a tent over its stage area on the street and it made for a really nice looking stage. I like that the businesses in downtown are as amped for the music as the pedestrians and customers are.

We got to Bodway's and it was absolutely packed. A group of 5 walked in ahead of us and Tony politely told them he was probably going to be pretty full until the Brewer's game ended up invited the group to grab a cocktail or come back. I spotted a table for 2 near the back and asked Tony if it was up for grabs. He told me it was all mine. It was a bit warm in Bodway's but with an open-concept grill probably does that to a bar. We still grabbed a beer and checked out the menu. I informed Tiff into all the fun, yummy things on the menu and she immediately found many things she wanted.

One thing that I think is great about downtown is that the owners play an active roll in their restaurant/pub. I see Jeff and Joette and their family clan always at the Nice Ash, bartending, cleaning tables, helping people with cigars, engaging in small talk, whatever is necessary at the time to make sure everyone is having a pleasant experience. Tony is the same way at Bodway's and to me, this is what separates Waukesha from Milwaukee places. Sure I don't know that maybe I was served by an owner at a restaurant in Milwaukee, but with the size of Waukesha, I am able to find out who is working and their relation to the owner or that they are the owner. YAY for local businesses again.

As for the food, we started with deep fried pickle spears and the dipping sauce added a little kick to them. So yummy. Tiff got herself the Angus Filet sandwich and I got the Backyard BBQ sandwich with a chicken breast. The chicken was super moist and again, Tony rocked it with the food. Props to the chef! Sure I know that I need to get out to some of my other faves in downtown again, but I have a new go-to that I'm completely pleased with.

So what's on tap for me tomorrow night, FFNL with a few more friends this time. Hoping that the weather holds up and I get to enjoy a few more bands and a cocktail again. Probably in jeans and a jacket, but I'll still take it all in!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah,

    I'm writing to let you know about a recipe contest that may interest you: the Madison Area CSA Coalition is seeking recipes designed by community members like you for their “Farm-Fresh and Fast” cookbook project. They are looking for original recipes that feature fresh, local produce and are ready to serve in under 60 minutes. (i.e., things that would be good for weeknight meals). If they select your submission(s) for publication, you’ll see your name, and your culinary creation, in print!

    The link below has all the details of the contest. Please feel free to submit as many recipes as you wish, or forward the contest to anyone else who may be interested in participating.

    Danielle Pacha

    PS: If you plan to announce the contest on your blog and you'd like access to any of the contest graphics, please let me know and I'll get them to you.
