Sunday, September 25, 2011

Divno Gelato

Logo taken from Divino Gelato's website

I know I have written about this place before briefly, but it's such a great stop for a sweet treat or a sandwich, I'm taking a few moments to share completely about this place. Divino Gelato on Main Street in downtown Waukesha KNOWS Gelato and serves it up by the scoop, cone or more elaborate concoctions7 days a week. I first found this place over 4 years ago and only allow myself in the doors once every few months. The gelato is so wonderfully creamy that I have to limit my sweet tooth to only indulge a little.

One thing that some people may not know is that Divino Gelato doesn't serve just gelato. They also have Italian grinders (toasted subs), personal pizzas (made by Rosati's of Waukesha), soup, coffee drinks, sweet treats and more. In my dozen or so times that I have stopped into this place, the majority are trips for gelato, but I do occasionally stop in on my lunch for a grinder to take back to the office. Just last week, I stopped in and got a chicken grinder and pomegranate lemonade infused with herbs. The grinders take a few minutes to be toasted so I was able to take in the shop a little.

The decor on the inside makes it look like you are sitting on a city street in Italy. There are cute doors painted on the walls so it looks like the cafe tables are just outside shops and clouds painted on the ceiling. Behind the counter, the wall is painted bright yellow and the employees are always cheery and happy. (if you catch them when it's not too busy inside, you can sample little spoonfuls of the gelato. I'm sure you can sample other times too, but paying customers come first obviously).

Photo courtesy of Divino Gelato's website

I'm not sure how many gelato flavors are available on a daily basis, but I would say at least 25 - 30. Some flavors are very typical - chocolate, raspberry, cookie dough, but then they have tiramisu, peanut butter cup and toasted coconut. They are always changing up the flavors for seasons and to try out new ones. I like that you can get two different flavors in one cup. I usually do a nut with a fruit flavor (i.e. raspberry pistachio, almond strawberry).
Photo by me

Ok - back to the grinder. Because they toast it, the roll they put it on is crunchy but still soft to bite into. The chicken has Italian seasonings on it and is covered with cheese, lettuce, tomato and mayo. It's big sandwich but I manage to finish it all. I'm not a big fan of rewarming sandwiches because the bread and lettuce get so gross, and this sandwich is just too good to waste. The bread choice makes it so different than all the other sandwich shops in Waukesha (and there are a lot).
Photo by Me

Photo by Me

The pomegranate lemonade was so refreshing as well. I had just been told from my mom a week earlier that rosemary added to teas and juices have great health benefits and I should start adding it to mine. When I read on the menu Pomegranate + Lemonade + Herbs, I just had to give it a try. It's poured from the large glass chiller you can see on the counter. My first sip was lemonade first and then I tasted the pomegranate. Upon the exhale after the sip, I definitely got the herbs and it was a great refreshing combination (and I could pick out the rosemary). I have to watch how often I have this and make sure I have the majority of it on a full stomach. You may not know but I have a low tollerance for Vitamin C and can only have about 20% of vitamin C a day to be safe. (not sure if it's the ascorbic or citric acid that makes me break out in hives and swell my throat) This is something that would definitely make me over-indulge and break out but if you don't have a problem with Vitamin C, I highly recommend trying this.

In Wisconsin, cold sweet treats aren't eaten as often in the cold months, but who am I kidding, it's still Wisconsin. I highly recommend swinging by Divino Gelato for a cup of coffee, a grinder and after being inside where it's nice a warm, finish the meal with a little gelato. When it's this good, how can you not?!

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