Friday, May 4, 2012

Prescription Drug Collection Event Recap

Last Saturday, I volunteered at the annual Waukesha County Prescription Drug Collection with the Young Professionals of Waukesha County. If you recall, the weather wasn’t exactly sunny and in the 70s but people still came out by the hundreds to drop of their prescription drugs and dispose of them properly.
In talking with Carolyn Hahn of the Waukesha County BusinessAlliance prior to the event over breakfast at Sprizzo’s, I discovered that this was the 4th year that the Young Professionals have been a part of this collection. And even with less than stellar weather, people still come to use this drive-thru drop-off service.

As you can see I'm a little chilly in the tent!
After starting the morning with a nice Sprizzo’s Breakfast Strata and Hot Chocolate with whipped cream, I felt that I was prepared for the day. I dressed in layers and wore waterproof shoes, raincoat, and gloves.  I even packed my Hot Hands and most importantly, my positive attitude. One long tent to sort the drugs was set up in the Waukesha State Bank parking lot closest to the river off of St. Paul. Three quick, popup tents were set up about 20 feet apart in the middle of the other lot. We’d be ready for cars to pull up on either side of the tent. I was a survey taker in the first tent where we handed out information and got demographics. The next tent took the drugs from the cars and the final tent gave out reusable tote bags and asked for donations to the Waukesha County Drug Collection.
Working hard in the sorting tent

YPs asking for donations
For the first hour, we were solid with vehicles and I didn’t have much time to notice how much was being collected or how cold I was getting. Breaks began happening after the first hour, and Waukesha State Bank had set up its Community Room with water, cookies, donuts, coffee and most importantly warmth! A big thank you to the bank for letting us use that room.  

Traffic came pretty steady for the first three hours of the collection. For the last hour, we were down to one dry(er) tally sheet, as it was misting almost all day, and traffic was slow enough that we went down to one collection line. I had by then opened up some of the Hot Hands and had them in my shoes and pockets. A little damp and cold air wasn’t going to keep me from finishing my job. Poor Andy said that he never needed a break from directing traffic and stood in the misty, damp rain the whole event.
Some of the empty packaging heading to the incinerator.
The seven Waukesha County prescription drug collection locations collected over 6 tons of prescription medicine and the location that I worked at collected about 700 pounds alone.  I plan to volunteer at this event next year and recommend others to join us at this event and other events throughout the year. Getting thanked by so many people in line for the good that we are doing in the community by keeping these drugs off the streets, out of the hands of children and out of the water supply was thanks enough for me. Also, I enjoy getting me meet new people and network with them at these events. To find out about other Business Alliance events and volunteer opportunities, visit

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