Monday, January 7, 2013

Playoff Apps: Pickle & Olive Rolls

As the Packers have now clinched the Wild Card and are in the Playoffs, it's time to talk appetizers for Packer Parties!!!! Next week Saturday. the Game is at 6:30 CST! Where are you going to be for the game? I'll be babysitting my little nephew Alex and we will be cheering on the Green and Gold together with Grandma and Grandpa.

Something that is present at almost every Packer Party I go to are pickle rolls and ham roll ups. They are quick and simple and I almost always have the ingredients in the house. I made them for New Year's Eve and they were enjoyed by all!

Pickle Rolls

1 jar of small/medium pickles (not midgets, but just small ones) I often buy Milwaukee brand.
8 oz. light cream cheese, softened
2 packages of Buddig meat or any other lunch meat (I used ham & beef)

Separate the slices of meat and dry them off with paper towel to soak up any wetness. With a knife, spread a thin layer of cream cheese evenly over the piece of lunch meat. Take a pickle and put it on the edge of the ham/beef and roll the cream cheese and meat around the pickle.


If the pickle rolls are larger, I cut them on half and then you have more for the platter.

The beef was something that I learned from my holiday party at my job. I usually only used ham, but the Buddig beef added great flavor.

Ham Roll Ups

I have blogged about these before. This time I used my mini processor as it isn't that much food to chop up and that little thing is so handy. I didn't have onion flakes (or I couldn't find where they ended up after my move) so I used onion powder.

Because the Buddig meat is a little thinner of a meat, I had to be careful when spreading the mixture as to not tear the meat. I foudn dipping the knife in water before spreading the cream cheese really helped. Instead of cutting them in little 1 inch section, I cut them in half and stuck a tooth pick in them so people could grab them easily.

It's easier to cut them if they have been in the refrigerator for about an hour after rolling them. Use a serrated knife.

Uncut Buddig ham & beef rolls

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