Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Move-It Monday: March Runs and Fitness

Move it Monday on a Tuesday? Eh, it was bound to happen :)  At least I'm still posting right?

Last month, I participated in quite a few runs. Running has never been anything that has come easy to me, but I'm sticking with it and raising money for great causes all at one time.

I am getting better at running overall and my time is staying decent, considering the Wisconsin elements that I have dealt. I know that the boot camp classes that I am taking at EnergizeZone in Waukesha are definitely helping me get stronger legs. You can't just run all the time and expect to get better - cross-training is key.

Another essential is the protein shakes that I have recently become obsessed with. I have found a way to make them where I don't taste the protein and can really enjoy them everyday! This is another thing I must thank Ken at the Zone for - proper nutrition information. Let's just say Peanut Butter Cup, Mint Chocolate, Strawberry Lemonade smoothies are my fave...it's like a treat after a workout! :)

In addition to these runs, I participated in Energize Zone's Spring Into Fitness event on March 23 - this was a day dedicated to showing the offerings of the gym and letting us try new classes for one price. We started with boot camp that was brutal but awesome as ever. I'm sure my classmates appreciated that I changed clothes before class 2 - I'm sweat when I work out!!!! LOL

During the break between classes we ate some healthy snacks including strawberries stuffed with vanilla yogurt and sliced almonds, protein deviled eggs, cheese, sausage, crackers and my mom's black bean brownies with Click Protein powder.

NOTE: Here are our edits to the recipe. We used brown sugar for the sugar and for the protein powder and coffee, I used 2 oz Click & 1 oz 2 tsp vanilla protein powder (no instant coffee.) We did add 1 Tbsp of olive oil (extra virgin of course) because we wanted some form of fat in the recipe. And you will use a bit more water than the recipe calls for. These things bake thick but they are sooooo good!

Here is the recap of my runs.

Sporting purple  for Alzheimer's 
Reflectors just cuz :)
Not the worst roads I have encountered but pretty rough. 
Testing out the new ProCompression socks for recovery
My medal for participation

Lucky Leprechaun 7k - 4.49 in 56:54 - snowy, slick and COLD
This run raised money for the MACC fund

Didn't want to get out of the car - too chilly!
Shauna and I before the run in the warm-ish tent
Freezing at the start
So ready to get going!
Finally people were moving!
Guinness Beer even runs :)
Mom got me almost at the finish - yep I was still smiling
Didn't stay after for the beer and my banana was frozen so I couldn't eat that either. Getting my shoes and socks off in the car and have the heat blast on my legs was heavenly!

Happy 5k - 3.1 in 37:28 - cool but no frigid
All proceeds from the HAPPY 5K will go to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Only picture I took - It was snowing on me
Cool medal :)
Health for America #50states 5k - 3.1 in 40:17 - icy yucky
Brought my face mask for the icy stuff hitting me in the face
Dry roads but there was snowy/icy crap hitting me in the face
There is road somewhere under there!
I actually haven't signed up for a single run in April yet and I'm thinking that this month should be more focus on either distance training (if I'm ok running slower but farther) or speed training. I was hoping to get a 5k done in 30 minutes this year and I'm holding pretty steady in the 35+ right now. What do you think? Speed or distance?

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