Wednesday, May 1, 2013

#MinimizeInMay - My Goals

May is here and Wisconsin is finally starting to reflect April with the temperatures. Hopefully May weather will show up soon and stay :) 

I have decided that May is going to be a month of reduction of many things in my life. And thus the launch of #MinimizeInMay. All month long, I will be blogging about things that I am doing to minimize different aspects of my life. I invite you to join my efforts this month and minimize something in your life that needs it. You will be surprised what a difference one month can make :)

1) Minimize Spending - I have plenty of clothes that I bought in the past years (and even months) so I don't need anything new for a spring wardrobe. Hopefully I can make it the whole month without a single splurge. I know I will be tempted, but if I just cut down a few pounds, I will so much more to wear in my current wardrobe. And thanks to Pinterest, I have learned to pair elements of my wardrobe that I wouldn't have before. 

2) Minimize My Waist - I really need to get some of this pesky weight off that seems to have decided to make permanent residence on me. With the change in the weather, I hope to get out on my bike, my feet and maybe even my rollerblades and get in a lot more fitness. I still have classes remaining on my punch card for EnergizeZone, and because I already paid for it, I can go for "free" in May. 

3) Minimize My Junk Food - With not spending much this month, I will only be able to eat what I have available and not impulse buy lunch/dinner at the grocery store or make trips over to Walgreens for snacks during the day. I have already started this plan this week with bringing peasant lunches or leftovers.

Homemade gnocchi marsala - recipe posted soon!
Peasant lunch - berries, carrots w/ hummus, cheese, crackers, tea
4) Minimize My Clutter - I have obtained quite a few things in the past few years and it's time to purge. I am planning to have a rummage sale mid-month to unload these things from my life. The rummage will consist of clothes, candle holders, books, CDs, knickknacks and whatever else my parents feel they want to part with between now and mid-May. I know that this will give me less to move when I do that as well as free up some space at my parents house for them :)

Another level of clutter is my personal email Inbox - There are soooo many old emails in there that I need to file or delete and I hope to get a solid handle on that. Who needs 5,000 emails just sitting in their inbox? This girl doesn't anymore. And with this, I will hopefully remove my name from some email lists and cancel accounts for companies that I don't need to be a part of anymore and not be tempted about "sales" and events. 

So True!
5) Minimize My TV Addiction - In the last month, I really got addicted to TV and I can't even say it was for new shows. Big Bang Theory being on for three straight hours every evening isn't a necessity in life. Sure I will still DVR my shows and catch up on them when I can, but I hope to have the TV off and my eyes in a book or be outside more. The weather has changed, I can blog, read, write and have fun instead of glue myself to a TV. 

6) Minimize My Carbon Footprint - I drive to work and can't get around that, but I don't need to drive around on my lunch "just cuz." I should go for a walk on my lunch and after work, I should bike if feasible. Unfortunately, I do live too far from my friends to practically ride my bike to them for a night, but I will carpool when I can and try to use less gas. 

By doing all these things, I am hoping to maximize my savings and my overall happiness by living a cleaner lifestyle all around. I'm sure things will come up and I'm not going to become a hermit for May, but I just have to start working on readjusting my goals and it takes consistent effort to make anything happen. Wish me luck - Here's to #MinimizeInMay

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