Friday, January 31, 2014

Albanese's Roadhouse

First let's start with this beautiful sunset I captured a week ago! I had to take the picture from my car as it was 2 degrees outside (seriously) but it was worth the extra drive to get this shot. I'm definitely printing this to hang up in my place. 
And now the real reason you wanted to read this blog post :)

Freshman year of high school I met Kathy in Mr. Staude's math class at Mukwonago High School (class of 2000 baby!). It was a super boring class but I'm glad that I had it with her because we became really great friends. We dated best friends in high school, did it a few more times in college (haha) and even dormed together for a year before she continued her education at UW-Milwaukee for Radiology.

Even though we don't see each other like we used too, we still pick up right where we left off the time before. I love those friendships. She got married this summer and had a wonderful outdoor wedding and super fun reception and is now expecting her first child - a girl!

We were able to meet up for dinner last week during one of the "not-as-bad-polar-vortex" days. She had never been to Albanese's and I suggested it as it's not too hard to get to from my new place and I knew we would want something warm in our bellies.

We pulled into the parking lot at the start of another snow storm and the lot was packed. I couldn't believe it! That many people go out to eat in a snowstorm on a Monday night?

Well we walked in and the bar was completely full, but not a single person was in the dining room. We  picked a bar table and joined everyone else. They were in snowmobile gear and I made the assumption they were a group and road there together. They started to bundle up and were getting ready to "head out" and I wondered where the trails were in the area.

Well silly me, I should have realized this is Wisconsin and we are nuts. They were actually going outside to play in the year-round bocce ball leagues that Albanese's hosts. They have 81 teams and have run leagues for 20 years! I love Wisconsin, and maybe if I had a few cocktails in me I would play one game of it in the snow, but I just don't think I would stay warm enough to play it too long. But everyone seemed to be having a blast.

And then the bar was empty and it was just me and Kathy and two people at the actual bar enjoying dinner. We didn't mind because then we had an easier time chatting and looking over the menu. PS - Plenty of TVs to catch the big game!

And now about the food. I went for the special of the Penne Rosa and was not disappointed at all. The plate was piled high with penne pasta smothered in cherry tomatoes, zucchini, artichokes, arugrula and an alfredo tomato sauce. There was a little bit of a kick, but on a cold night, this was awesome. If I would have allowed myself, I could have polished off the whole plate, but then someone would have to roll me out the door. I decided to save some for leftovers!
Kathy went with the Mostaccoli Sorrentina that was pasta smothered with cheeses and topped with a hearty tomato sauce. She was in heaven. It hit the spot and she had plenty to take home as leftovers.

And here are my leftovers covered with Parmesan cheese. It was just as good the next day when the flavors melded a little more.

I have tried Albanese's Fish Fry and am a big fan - Italian seasonings in the light breading give it an extra flavor you won't find elsewhere. The Italian beef sandwich is great and now I love the pasta, I just have to come back and try the pizza, and I LOVE pizza so this will be a true test. I have heard only great things so I hope that this holds true!

The sports lounge had some great appetizer specials Mon-Thursday and a wing night. I might have to get my friends together to try that out some night too! But overall, this is a Waukesha "Must-Try!"

Kathy and I planned a lunch date in the middle of February so stay tuned for where we check out next. Of course I will have other things to write about between now and then in case you were worried :)

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