Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tortellini with Mushroom Sauce

2014 will be the year that I make homemade pasta, however last night wasn't the night. I'm still getting settled in and I didn't want to destroy the place just yet :) And I had to work with what I had in the house due to the ridiculous weather (-50 windchill, no joke!)

I stumbled across this recipe a few weeks ago on Pinterest and used it as the model for my dinner tonight. I have to say - this recipe is so easy to prepare and can feed a lot of people.

I had a container of white mushrooms and about 3/4 of a container of baby bellas so I threw both in the pan to saute.

After then were done I added some chopped onion to add some flavor. I didn't have actual garlic (and I wouldn't have used 20 cloves like the garlic-loving recipe creator did!) so I improvised with garlic powder. I would estimate that I used about a teaspoon and a half. I would guess minced garlic would work too if you didn't want to chop up your own, just didn't want to go out in the #polarvortex

I had some fresh spinach left over from another meal and decided to wilt some into the meal.

Add in the Parmesan cheese, cream and the mushrooms back in and voila, it's done.

Boiling the tortellini is as easy as boil, dump, stir and drain.

Garnish with a little more Parmesan and enjoy! Perfect for a cold weather day and great flavors.

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