Monday, July 28, 2014

Waukesha Upcoming Events

This weekend is the next Art Crawl in downtown Waukesha. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it as I will be standing up in my friends wedding. But I did want to share with all of you the fun things planned for this weekend and the coming weeks.

This isn't an event but I did want to share that the Clarke Hotel is now serving complimentary breakfast to their guests. This has been a long time coming and the first step in the revamping of the hotel and restaurant. I can't wait to try out the restaurant once it's open.

Every Friday thru Sept. - Waukesha Friday Night Live - 6:30 - 9 pm - listen to great music and entertainment on the streets of downtown.

Every Saturday thru Oct. - Waukesha Farmer's Market - 8 am - noon - On the riverfront in Waukesha, see a great selection of products from local vendors.

Saturday, Aug 2:

The 82nd Art Crawl is being held from 4 - 10 pm. Here is a flyer with all the information.

But before the Art Crawl the Duck Race will be held at 12:30 pm on Saturday, Aug. 2. The launch will happen at the Barstow Bridge and here is more information.

Tuesday, Aug 12: 

VOTE - Use your voice and vote in the primary election. This primary will decided the next Sheriff of Waukesha County because their is no democrat on the ballot. 

Friday, Aug. 15:

Run From the Cops 5K Fun Run - Details here 

In addition to these special events, the downtown businesses have live music and entertainment scheduled throughout the week as well as food and drink specials - so many it's hard to keep up with. Hope you can make it downtown to experience one of these events. 

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