Monday, September 22, 2014

100 Happy Days: Week 1

Day 1:

Couldn't find the original, but here is a screen cap from Instagram. We got Kacey (the guy) and JB (the dog) to run at Lapham Peak. We started with Asthma Hill and did a nice loop and ended at the tower. Big feat for both of them. And JB walked down the tower no problems. Up was another story for that little guy so he was carried. Extra workout for his mom. (Kacey did both on his own with only minimal complaining!) A great workout overall. 

 Day 2:
 It was a cold one this morning and I couldn't warm up at work. I was gifted some Salted Caramel Hot Cocoa and decided to try it out. Heavenly! The cup kept my hands warm and the cocoa is divine. Archer Farms (Target)

Day 3:
I went for a run right after work - the legs were ready to quit, but a few people said Hi and cheered me on to keep going and I did just that! Thank you's to all of them!!!!

Day 4:
My parents dropped off my bike a few weeks ago and I decided to take her out for a spin. It has been almost 2 years since I last went for a ride but it felt fabulous. Getting to the trail off of Meadowbrook was a little scary and I used my brakes a lot on the steep decline, but I am going to take that trail west someday! The hill up Meadowbrook was a good leg workout for sure! I have had that bike since 7th grade and she is still kickin!

Day 5:
I used a gift certificate I received last year for my birthday to treat myself to a massage. Huge shout out to Marlis at Serenity Spa for the BEST massage I have ever had. I felt more relaxed after than I have ever before!

Day 6:
Flashback to 3 years ago and our 2nd annual Brewers tailgate with the crew from Fox Run Sentry Liquor. Although the store closed 4 years ago this month, the crew still keeps in touch and we see each other often. I am so thankful for all of these people in my life and I hope the Brewers game tradition continues!

Day 7:
My niece and nephew are my world. I got to spend Saturday with them and my mom. Alex and I played trains, puzzles, baked cookies, and  talked a lot. Maddie is getting some teeth so she didn't want to sleep, but she liked to tell stories and be held. And I enjoyed every minute of it. 

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