Friday, November 21, 2014

100 Happy Days: Week 9

This "cold-cough-aching-wheezing-hives-whatever-I-have" is still here to stay and definitely putting a damper on my happiness. But I'm trooping through and still doing my best to be a part of the world. I have never been this sick for this long, but I think it's finally on it's way out! Dr.s just say it needs to run its course, but it's starting to feel like last winter with the "polar vortex" - never leaving!

Anyways, I did have some great happy moments that I want to share with all of you. 

Day 60:
Allison Art House had a Ladies Night Out event and I attended with my friend Tiffany. I found great unique gifts for some of the ladies in my life. I love this shop. Watch for more on it on my blog soon. PS - I won the door prize too!

Day 61:
Dinner with my parents at Matteo's. This is one of my favorites in Waukesha and although I wasn't feeling the best, quality Italian food near a roaring fire definitely helped me feel better. And I got to see many pictures of my parents' trip to Paris. Win, win. 

Day 62: 
I spent Saturday cooking all day and watching Netflix. I made two soups and my grandma's specialty cookies with a few tweaks for ingredients I dind't have. More on the soups and cookies to come. As for the Netflix.....Gilmore Girls, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990 version), Pocahontas and more Gilmore Girls. 

Day 63: 
I didn't post this on social media but I think it's important to post now. My mom and I went to Wine & Dine in Milwaukee and tried many new eats and treats. We found my mom a few more cocktails that she would like and I found a few restaurants I have to try. Time with my mommy is always time well spent. 

Day 64:
This quote definitely got me through the day. With me still dealing with this cough, I will laugh at just about anything to help cheer me up and I love sleep right now. 

Day 65:
Flowers - a way to a girl's heart and happiness. I was completely surprised by this my work. It showed the person really cares to remember where I work and send me a little something special. These definitely helped flip around my day and week and I am forever grateful for this thoughtful gesture. (Let's just say that someone was raised right!)

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