Monday, March 30, 2015

Easter Egg Tie Dye Experience

Last week I asked my guy if he planned to dye eggs with his girls this year for Easter. (Secretly I asked because I love coloring eggs and haven't in years!) I think it's something that every child should experience for Easter and make the table look pretty. He agreed and this past Saturday it was dye time!

His youngest went shopping with us and picked out a tie dye Paas kit. I had no idea how it was going to turn out, but I figured we could always just do basic dying as well if needed.

We boiled up 15 eggs and three ended up cracking in the boiling process. Those became my eggs to dye :) I did have better luck at my guy's house having non-gray yolks. Start with cold water, heat up slowly to a boil, cover, reduce to low and let sit for 12 minutes. Instantly get them in cold water and keep cold.

I'm pretty sure we had a record use of cups when dying the eggs. We needed 6 for the tablets plus one for a rinse and then we were all drinking water as well - 11 cups for one afternoon! Luckily my guy has a lot of cups!

The kit called for just 3 Tbsp. of vinegar (no water dilution) in each cup with the magical coloring tablet added. This is a lot more concentrated of a dye than when I did them as a child.

The trickiest part of the process was getting the little pipette into the holes we had to poke in the tie-dye mold. Oh yes, this kit was quite complicated, but the end results turned out really pretty.

Here's our process:
1) fill cups with vinegar
2) drop in fizzy tablets and watch them turn colors
3) see that red is extremely pale pink and that our kit came with two blues and no purple
4) see the girls really bummed about the color choices
5) punch through the designated holes in the mold
6) wet the small cloth provided and wrap it around an egg
7) place the wrapped egg in the mold and snap the mold shut
8) press the mold shut repeatedly because the snaps didn't work and give up and hold it closed for the kiddos (results in dyed fingers for the adults)
9) Take the pipette and suck color into it from the cups
10) insert the pipette into the tiny hole and squeeze the color onto the egg.
11) be care with said pipette because you only get one and it's pretty cheaply made
12) repeat as often as you like with whatever colors you want until egg is to your liking
13) unmold and unwrap the egg and reveal the tie dye
14) do only 8 of the eggs as tie dye because it takes a long time for each egg to be completed
15) show the girls how to write on an egg with a white crayon and then dunk it in the dye directly
16) complete the rest of the eggs in this new format because it's quicker
17) try to get the dye off the girls hands so they don't look dirty
18) admire the eggs

All in all the tie dye eggs turned out pretty cool and I think the girls liked being able to write on the eggs.

The youngest was so excited she wanted to eat one of her eggs as a dessert. We had made brownies for dessert and she wanted it with her brownie. We asked her to enjoy her brownie first and then she could peel and eat her egg. I had an inkling that because it was pretty on the outside, she thought it was a sweet treat and my suspicions were right. After peeling it and cutting it open, she took one bite and disgust was written all over her face. I think she was hoping for a sugary taste. So we now know she isn't a fan of hard boiled eggs, or at least not as a dessert item :)

The other daughter loved it and had some mayo with it to make it more like a deviled egg. And now I'm craving deviled eggs so I might need to boil up some eggs and make that for myself!

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