Friday, August 21, 2015

400th Post! And a New Feature

Drum Roll Please......I have reached post number 400!!!!! Wowzers! What started out as an online diary has morphed into this blog over the past years. Attending a blogger conference in Utah in February of 2013 is really what got me focused and set my course for the posts that you are reading today. In just the past year, I have changed the look of my blog and actually had a logo developed for my "brand." And in the past two years, I create a Facebook page and have fans that follow and comment. All of this just boggles my mind, but I still enjoy this pastime and love to see where it's going.

A huge thank you to all of you that read my blog. I hope that what I share brings you some information and maybe a few smiles or laughs along the way. 

Time for a little reminiscing over the past few years. Here are a few of my favorite posts that I have shared with all of you.

The post that started it all

The addition of the bars and restaurants tab on the blog

Paninis and Potatoes Post

Working with Qdoba for some posts

The Annual Food Blogger Cookie Swap: 2014, 2013, & 2012

My year as a Foodie PenPal

And of course, all of my posts about Waukesha. This town holds a special place in my heart and I hope that my posts show that. I want everyone to see how great of a city I live in and want to come here and spend time and money!

And with that, I want to introduce a new feature that I am adding to my blog. I'm calling it.......

Wings Around Waukesha

Eight years ago if you asked me to go out and get wings with you, I probably would have said no. I didn't understand biting meat off of tiny bones smothered in hot sauce. But now....ask me to get wings with you and I'm in! I still don't like the hot sauces, but just like everything else in this crazy world, wing sauces have developed tenfold and restaurants offer more than just BBQ, Mild & Hot.

I want to share my wing experiences with you in the community. I already have a few favorites that I'm going to start with to get things rolling and once I have a few posts written up, I'll add a tab to the site that features all the wings I have tried.

If there is a specific place you think that I might want to check out, let me know. My guy and I love wings and are always open for trying new places. And he likes spicy foods so we will be able to try a variety of sauces.

I am working on a rating system and also have some specific things that I'm looking for to compare the wings from location to location. I hope you find this feature fun and useful if you are a wing fan too. Watch for the first post next week!

Again thank you to all my readers and here's to another 400 posts! 

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