Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bodway's Wings

Image courtesy of

My friend and I stopped into Bodway's Live Music Grill a few weeks ago to sample their wings on their first official "wing night," which is Thursday for those of you interested. I saw it posted on Bodway's Facebook Page and inquired what were the minimums for ordering. I love Club 400, but I can't eat 20 wings and dislike that that is the minimum there. I was informed by Bodway's that it was a minimum of 6 per flavor (although their web says 20) and they had bone-in (.35 each) or boneless (.45 each).  The sauce flavors are Honey-BBQ, Garlic-Herb, Zing, Mild or Demon. (I may have missed one or two.)

Photo courtesy of

My friend and I arrived around 6:30 and we were able to grab a table near the front of the restaurant. It was a pretty happening place. A server swung by right away and asked what we wanted to drink. I remembered that they had recently installed tappers and tried to read the different beers on tap quickly. Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough and the server said he would just come back when we were ready. (Help with the tappers would have been good instead of me cramming my neck around to see what they were and reading them.) I decided on a Blue Moon and my friend ordered a rail gin and tonic that was the special of the night (rail cocktails for $3).

We read over the menu and although I thought I read somewhere that a new menu was debuting Nov. 1, no new menu was available for us. We only came in for wings, so it was fine, but I'm interested to know what's new.

We decided on battered cheddar pints (cheese curds), frickles (fried pickles), 6 naked boneless wings with honey bbq on the side, 6 bone-in mild and 6 bone-in garlic herb. There seemed to be just one server for the full dining room and after Tony (the owner) finished a meeting, he jumped behind the bar to take orders and help the cook. Our food came out in good time considering the number of tables but the frickles didn't come with everything else. The server was so fast to put the food down, we had to flag him to remind him about the frickles and I wanted a water.

In the meantime, we dug in. The boneless wings were smaller than I expected, but it's been a while since I have had boneless wings and maybe that is normal size? The breading was really good with some additional spices in the mix. I should have just had them coated with the sauce because the honey-bbq was good and that is what I was nervous about. The chicken was really moist in the boneless too.

Photo courtesy of Sarah Zubarik

I left the mild wings to my friend as hot sauce and I haven't been friends for a while now. I did try the garlic herb and it was really unique. It was dry on the wings and it seemed to be part of the breading really making them very flavorful. I always grab the special wing too as you can see in the pic below. There was a ton of garlic in it and I think more than a few wings would give me a headache but the flavor was great. Garlic does that to a lot of people in my family.

Photos courtesy of Sarah Zubarik

The server finally came back to let us know that the frickles would be a little bit as they couldn't be put in the same fryer as other food or would end up making everything else taste like pickles. I was curious what fryer they were putting them in then, but we waited patiently for them to arrive. The battered cheese pints come plentiful in a basket and you can never go wrong with deep friend cheese curds and ranch :) They were delicious and I boxed some up to take home. (Unfortunately I dropped the box on the way home, mitten malfunction, and didn't get the eat the leftovers.) When the frickles finally arrived, my friend gobbled them up. It's something that I would have never thought to deep fry, but trying one a few years ago at State Fair brought them into my life and they will never leave. I wouldn't say they are as good at Horny Goat Hideaway's but to not have to travel to downtown Milwaukee for good fried pickles, Bodway's are very good. (sorry no pics of the frickles)
Photo courtesy of Sarah Zubarik

All in all our meal was good. There is some stiff wing competition in Waukesha, but I think that Bodway's can hold their own. More sauce combinations are all I can think to improve on for wing night. Maybe another server too, as I never got my water. Not a big screw up but it's something that I wanted from all the salt in the fried foods.

I will definitely return to Bodway's as their fish fry still intrigues me. Until then, Happy Eating!

1 comment:

  1. Try the Hot BBQ and the super hot ones in boneless. With some Rumchata on the rocks of course.
