Friday, February 17, 2012

Fat Tuesday! :)

Mardi Gras (or Fat Tuesday as I like to call it) is next week Tuesday. It's the day known around the nation to gorge on anything and everything that you could ever want with no repercussions. Sure the next day you may feel a little bloated and your taste buds and tummy might hate you from all the rich, decadent treats you will be devouring but isn't it worth it? The following day is Ash Wednesday (beginning of Lent) and being a Catholic, I follow the rules of fasting and not eating meat. I eat 3 solid, plain meals that day with no meat and make it through with many tummy growls. And this also usually means that for Lent I give up something. Some of the more more unique things that I have given up are sugary treats, all soda, alcohol, TV, being lazy and celebrity gossip. Some of those were easier than others to accomplish, but it really allows you to realize that you can survive without some of the luxuries in life.

Ok, back to Tuesday. I have never truly gone hog-wild before on this day. Sure I have maybe bought a special dessert or ordered a fancier meal if I was out to dinner, but I have never truly gone all out in the terms that those down in New Orleans do. I just think that that would set me up for failure if I would indulge on something that I am giving up. So who knows what Tuesday will hold for me? Will I go out to eat? Maybe try the Montecito or El Palmar that have been on my list forever? Or now that Divino Gelato has reopened, do I treat myself to some gelato concoction that will be truly heavenly? Will I make an absolutely gluttonous meal at home with heavy cream, cheese and tons of butter. Or will it be a day just like any other? I will know on Tuesday.

Now, as for giving up something this year? I have truly no idea what to give up. I have done a really good job since January of staying away from diet soda (especially after reading this article). And my sweet tooth isn't what it used to be. I have a box of chocolates in my house from Christmas that have barely been touched. I have an entire bag of mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in my drawer and I have no urge to eat them. I have already shrunk my cable package due to Time Warner asking a fortune for very simple service. So I'm at a loss of what to give up now. I'm sure I'll think of something by Wednesday but suggestions are welcome!

I do know that one thing I will be adding will be Features to my blog. I plan to take a walk at minimum of once a week through downtown Waukesha and write about what I notice. It won't be gossip; it will be something that I notice in a store or a special at a restaurant/bar or a new business taking shape. For instance, I jogged through town on Wednesday night and noticed that a store front just east of Montecito no longer has a for lease sign in the window and some painting is happening. I also noticed that next to Chill on Gaspar Street, a dance studio has gone in and the windows are no longer blocked on that street. It looks really nice.

The other thing that I hope to feature is to enjoy one food item per week in Waukesha be it soup, sandwich, cocktail, dessert, etc. The working title is Foodie Friday in which I will highlight the item that I enjoyed sometime throughout the week and get the post up every Friday morning.

I realized that I need to offer features in order to get people to start looking for my blog more regularly. And I hope to get more followers and truly share my love of food and fun in Waukesha with more people. So until Wednesday, when I'm sure I will share what I have devoured for Fat Tuesday, Happy Eating everyone!

PS - I'll take suggestions as well if you want me to go try something at a certain place or if you know of a new business or business update taking place.

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