Thursday, March 7, 2013

From the Books Thursday: Pork Burritos

Each Thursday, Sweet Bella Roos blog features her favorites recipes/crafts from the previous week's Pin-It Thursday party. I have been featured before in her party for my meatballs  :) and so I love seeing what the features are each week.

A few Thursdays ago, I gave Matt the option of picking one of the five features and I would make it for him. He eliminated the pasta because he isn't the biggest fan of chopped tomatoes. He really wanted a dessert and an entree but I made him choose for the time being as I already had an idea for dessert. (mock Reese's PB Cups).

He decided on the pork burritos and they seemed simple enough to make on a Sunday and reheat at his place on Monday night.

My mom helped me pick out a nice piece of pork for the meal. (I cut the recipe in half and bought a 2 pound pork rib roast.)

I browned each side of the pork roast after liberally salt and peppering it. My mom said I only needed to brown the big sides, but I wanted a nice light char all the way around.

Then you place the roast in the crockpot and add up to the oregano in the recipe.

Then because I used a smaller roast, I cut the crock-time to 3.5 hrs. I checked it at 3 and it was at temperature but wasn't pulling apart yet. I gave it another half hour and it was perfect!

I pulled the roast out and it almost fell apart while I was using two forks to shred it - easiest shredding ever!

I put all the shredded pork back into the crock and added the sour cream/flour mixture to the meat and stirred. 30 minutes later, the house smelt spectacular and I couldn't stop stealing bites.

I let it cool down in the crockpot and then packaged it up to take to Matt's. It reheated perfectly and we had refried beans, guacamole, plain greek yogurt and rice on the side. Matt picked up some margaritas and we dug into the dinner.

The burritos were spectacular. I'm sorry I forgot to take the final image, but we were enjoying it too much to stop to take a picture. And the PB bars were a really good replica cup and I'll post about those soon!

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