Monday, March 11, 2013

Move-It Mondays: Karen's Energize Story

I continue my featured posts today with Karen's story of wellness from the Energize Zone. I met Karen at my first class that I took at the Zone--when I was very intimidated and unsure what to expect. In that class, I saw that the ladies of the Zone are a tight group that motivate each other and help each other get through each challenging class. I couldn't wait to be a part of that and the intimidation has gone away.

Karen before Energize Zone
Karen, like myself, has struggled with her weight and tried all the diets out there. She found the Zone from an ad in the paper for one of Coach Ken's challenges and talked a friend into doing it with her. (I found the Zone challenge very similarly, on the Waukesha Patch daily newsletters!)

She credited her weight gain to a slow metabolism and poor eating and lifestyle habits and scheduled her free Wellness Profile with Coach Ken. Her profile results showed that she had an extremely high body fat percentage and almost started to cry (I almost did the same when I got my results - more on that in a future post!). But Coach Ken, in his amazing ways of keeping us motivated and positive said to her, "Don't worry, we got this," and she holds those words close to her as her motivation to keep going.

Join the challenges in March!
Karen started out with just the boot camp weight loss challenge class each week, but before she knew it, she was coming 4-5 days a week for classes. I have recently become a two-class-a-week attender and can vouch for how addicting and motivating the classes are. Any bets as to how long until I'm up to 3?

She shared with me about meeting the wonderful ladies of the Zone and how easy they are to talk to. "We started working out together, encouraged each other, laughed together and became friends," says Karen. "There is something different and less intimidating about working out in this kind of environment than working out in a regular gym." I agree with her 100%!!! I hated working out "alone" at the gym as I couldn't help but think that everyone was looking at me or I was doing something wrong. It isn't like that at all at the Zone. Everyone is looking out for the benefit of the group and getting the group to accomplish the skills.

With the fitness classes and improved nutrition, Karen has lost 45 pounds in 7 months! She is on the Wall of Fame at the gym and seeing her progress photos is a definite motivator to me. I'm not showing the best weight loss numbers currently, but I know I have it in me to do this.

Karen now loves working out where as before she disliked even just climbing a flight of stairs because she would get winded. Her lifestyle has changed completely; she is in better health, has made many new friends and loves being active. The nutrition information that Coach Ken shares is vital in her journey.

Karen in 2013
She can't wait for the weather to change so she can go running with her daughter. This really hits home with me as my mom and I are in a challenge together now at the Zone. We are both working our butts off each week to get into great shape and hopefully run The Color Run in August together again this year. But we hope to not feel like we were going to collapse at the end like last year and be able to enjoy the triumph of our completion.

I look to Karen in my classes that we have together as someone of motivation. When I don't know what a move is or if I'm doing it right, I know that I can count on her to perform it properly. She also leads us in stretching at the end of class so Coach Ken can make the smoothies that the ladies like so much. I haven't had an Herbalife smoothie yet, but I think this week is time.

If you want to test out the Zone and see what it is all about, mark your calendars for March 23 - try two classes, tea, a smoothie and some healthy snacks for the unbelievable price of $15. Only 50 spots are available for this event, so call the Zone today to reserve your spot 262-349-9983. And if you have any questions about the Zone, call Coach Ken! 

Compensation for this post was provided by EnergizeZone after I asked to feature the 'Zone. Opinions expressed here are my own. 

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