Friday, April 19, 2013

Running For Boston

I was out to lunch on Monday when the announcement was made about what had just occurred in Boston. And when I got back to my desk, all of my coworkers were talking about an explosion and were waiting for more details to be revealed. I couldn't believe it! With the use of social media and my go-to news outlets, I found out everything and then some about the tragedy that happened at the Finish Line of the Boston Marathon.

As a fellow runner and a person strongly against any form of violence, my heart goes out to each and every person affected by this tragedy. I cannot put into words the feelings that I have felt in the last few days. I cannot send enough gratitude and thanks for all of those that ran into the danger to help all of those wounded by this senseless act. Justice is being sought, it will be found and safety shall reign once again.

I am not a marathon runner. I am not a half marathon runner. I am working my way up from a 5k to hopefully a 10k by the end of this summer and as a runner. But all runners have a bond as we all know the trials and tribulations of getting a PR, running just a little farther than the run before and the training and diligence needed to compete.

The hours put in and the thoughts of joy the finishers should have had at the finish line were all put on the side when this act of violence took center stage. The winners are a side story to what happened at the race. I want to congratulate all of those that put in the hours and effort to qualify and run the race. You are all winners in my book! I have read stories circulating Facebook about those that were able to complete the marathon giving their medals to those that weren't able to finish when the race was stopped. This is the amazing spirit of awesome humanity and I love it!!!!

As a way to show my support to those that lost their lives or were injured, I have made a donation to The One Fund that I have seen on many of my fellow blogger friends' sites. This seems to be THE site to donate through and you don't have to worry your money isn't going directly to those that need it.

And on Monday, April 22, I am joining runners and walkers around the world in a run to raise funds and show support to BOSTON! My friend and I are joining the Performance Running Outfitters in Brookfield in a "Runners for Boston" Run/Walk. I encourage you to join me or another area walk (Fleet Feet on Bluemound is also hosting a walk). Or just get out on Monday and run/walk wearing your blue and yellow and show your support and that terrorism will not beat us!

Throughout the summer, I have heard that additional races and walks will be available with proceeds going directly to Boston. I know Chicago is putting something together for June 15th. I will keep an eye out for ones in the Milwaukee area and will share those with you all.

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