Monday, July 14, 2014

Waukesha County Fair

You may or may not know that my company works media relations and promotions for the Waukesha County Fair . And for the last eight years, I have put in the extra hours to make sure we get the Fair the best  media coverage we are capable of for this organization.

We have had good Fairs and bad (many more good than bad, but you can't control the weather) but regardless, I could not ask to work with a nicer group of volunteers and one heck of an amazing Executive Director who put their heart and soul into this Fair to give you the best event in Waukesha County every year. If you see them on the Fairgrounds when you go (yes when, not if!), please thank them for all their work.

As a Foodie, you know that I am always excited when I get the information on the new foods and vendors at this year's Fair.  And again this year, there is no shortage of new and unique eats. I am personally looking forward to trying the Reuben nachos, bacon cream cheese on a stick and John Deere churned ice cream. (I caught a glimpse of this in action at the Jefferson County Fair this weekend and you will be pretty amazed by this feat.)

Not to mention we have some of the Fairgoers' faves back this year - Catfish Johnny's, Black Angus sandwiches, cream puffs, fudge, Silver Spur, jumbo turkey legs and much, much more. You cannot leave this Fair wishing for more variety. We have it all covered!

Every year, I promise myself that by the end of Sunday, I can treat myself to a funnel cake and gorge on the whole thing myself. But I have yet to keep this promise to myself. By the time I am done working and remember to get one, the food vendors are already closing up shop. So it's my goal this year to have one on Saturday night (instead of waiting until Sunday). I'll just walk more on Sunday instead of ride in my snazzy golf cart :)

There is so much more to the Fair than just food, and I'm glad that I get to see it all - Demo Derby, Live Music, 4-H Exhibits, Truck Pulls, Rides, Games, Vendors, Livestock Auction, Alligators, Fun Run, Classic Car Show, Pancake Breakfast, Animals and again, so much more. Just check out that cake above, such detail and skill from someone so young! I love seeing this sort of dedication and these kids are going to be the ones most likely taking care of me when I'm older. This make me feel really good.

I hope you have some time this weekend to come out to the Fair and if you have never been, come see what it's all about. There are great deals almost everyday to help you save on admission and once you are on the grounds, almost everything is free (midway, rides and souvenirs excluded).

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