Friday, October 31, 2014

100 Happy Days: Week 6

 Fall is just flying by and we are in peak colors currently. This makes me so happy seeing nature "showing off." I"m not ready for the cold yet, but I am enjoying the golds, oranges and reds in the falling leaves.

Day 37:
 I got out on a walk on my lunch and saw this part of the sidewalk and couldn't get past the sunlight coming through the trees and landing on the falling leaves. 

Day 38:
I was waiting for someone in a parking lot and looked out and saw this gorgeous sunset. Only a few more days until winter that I will be outside for the sunset as they will start to happen when I'm at work :(

 Day 39:
Wear Orange for #UnityDay - an anti-bullying initiative to bring attention to this problem not only in the schools but anywhere. I finally got to wear my orange dress that I have had for years and always think it's only for summer.

  Day 40:
 Checked out a "New To Me" Restaurant in Delafield - Revere's Wells Street Tavern while I caught up with a friend. These nachos were great and although I didn't take on my servers challenge and order the full, I found the half to be a perfect sized portion for one as a meal.

 Day 41, 42, 43, 44:
I spent a lot of time with friends and family over the long weekend and just am amazed by all the love, support and helpfulness of them. I don't know where I would be without all of them and I don't want to find out. I spent time with my cousin and her husband Friday having some drinks and watching comedy specials, Saturday I helped a friend move, Sunday I relaxed and watched the Packers game with a friend and Monday I went to Lapham and got this great shot before a crazy hilly run with friends. Pretty sure the post-work runs at Lapham are done until the Winter Solstice and days start getting longer. And by then, they will have to be walks because it will be really snowy!

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