Tuesday, November 4, 2014

100 Happy Days: Week 7

This post marks the midway point of my 100HappyDays and I have to say that I actually am feeling a lot more positive about my daily life. Sure there are things that still get on my nerves and stuff but I try to not focus on that and am looking for my happy thing everyday - no matter how small it is. 

Day 45:
Well for some reason I didn't post anything for day 45 - I did watch a lot of Gilmore Girls and relaxed until meeting a friend at a bar for the Packer game. The bar experience was just average and the Packers lost. But all in all it was a good day and I'm not sure why I didn't post about it. I find myself becoming a bit more sarcastic from watching so much Gilmore Girls in a row but not in a mean way....just adding my two cents to things like Lorelai and Rory do. 

Day 46: 
Beautiful sunsets really make me smile. The sky just looks amazing and I really applaud nature for showing us this so often. It's probably the last weeknight sunset I'll see in a while because the sun is now setting when I'm still at work.

Day 47:
 I packed up my car and headed up to Appleton to visit my cousin and help her get things ready for her son's birthday weekend. It was Trick or Treat as well and us adults needed something to keep warm so Spirited cocktails for us while the kids were layered up under their costumes. 

Day 48:
 Yes the birthday theme is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and these cupcakes turned out really cute. More on the themed birthday to come after this next weekend. I really enjoy cake/cupcake decorating and themed parties. Maybe a new side job?

 Day 49:
 Took the birthday boy rollerskating and it really made me remember all the fun times at Skateland and Skate U I had in grade school. Rinks still look the same, the dice game and limbo are still played and the skates are just as ugly. However there are really cool jumbo wheeled rollerblades that are the new speed skates.

Day 50:
My first post-Day Light Savings run after work. Headlamp on the front, reflective wristband on and flashing red light on my back. No one can claim they didn't see this Minion coming by. And I ran my first 5k without stopping for a walk break. I was majorly impressed with my self and I think I'm still on a runner's high about it. Now I have to work on the speed.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh---what do they say about the 'power of positive thinking' -- good for you!!
