Saturday, December 1, 2012

Foodie Pen Pal - Month 4

Technical difficulties made this not go out on Friday, when it was scheduled too. I'm guessing operator error - my bad! :( 

This was my 4th month participating in the Foodie Pen Pals program from The Lean Green Bean Blog. I was excited to find out my pen pal was from Texas. I don't know much about Texas, but Michelle excitedly emailed me about putting together a great package and really peaked my interest when she asked me my favorite football team. Of course that would be my Green Bay Packers and I wondered what she was going to do with that information.

The box came a week or so ago and unfortunately it looked saturated and soggy. Something didn't hold it's seal. I instantly ripped the box open and found that Michelle had gone the extra effort to read my blog and find out more about me and my difficulties in finding toasted sesame seed oil. She too went on a hunt and couldn't find any, so she packaged up some of hers. Unfortunately, the seal didn't hold and all the oil leaked out. Luckily, nothing else was damaged as everything else was wrapped up nicely. (It did smell really good.)

Ok onto the rest of the yummy box. The hot cocoa cookies were eaten first as they were absolutely scrumptious. It really tasted like you were eating hot cocoa. The marshmallows were my favorite part. I also got a mini spatula and kitchen tools are always welcomed by me. I had to throw away the box, but could salvage the recipe for the pumpkin bread mixes. I haven't made it yet, but any pumpkin is delicious so I'm a fan. I received another mini balsalmic vinegar - Pomegranite this time. Aren't those bottles the perfect size?

And do you see that Packers cup - how awesome is this?

Michelle owns One Chelle Of A Mug and makes custom glassware. Mugs, pint glasses, wine glasses, cocktail glasses, pilners - you name it, she can do it. I'm not sure I'm ever going to drink out of it because it's for my team and needs to go in my memorabilia case but seriously - this is awesome.

They do need to be hand washed, no diswasher, soaking or microwaving them. But they can be put in the freezer for a frosty mug. I will have to keep this in mind for future gifts!
And it couldn't have come at a more better time than me winning two tickets to the always sold out Packers game this Sunday at Lambeau. I haven't been to a game in nine years and my friend that I am taking has never been. I'm so excited to be able to share that experience with you on a future blog. Go Pack Go!

 There is no foodie pen pals for next month, but instead Lindsey has asked us pen pals to do a month of donating to those affected by Hurricane Sandy. I think this is a great way to utilize a group of foodie folks for good. Whatever we would have spent on a pen pal + shipping costs, Lindsey asks that we donate. More information can be found here.


  1. Love that Packers cup, so cute! I've bought toasted sesame oil at Trader Joe's, Oro di Oliva and Woodman's. All different prices, but I can't tell the difference, so I'd recommend any of them. Sorry to hear the oil leaked in your package, that was a thoughtful addition.

  2. Hi Sarah, I just wanted to let you know that I really like your blog and I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award! See this post for more info:

  3. @Karis - Thanks for the heads up about the oils. I have fallen in love with Trader Joe's in Brookfield so I'll look the next time I'm there.
    @Tammy - I'm so happy you enjoy reading my blog and thank you for the nomination!!!!
